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410 Gellert Drive
San Francisco, CA 94132



Everything Great Started With An Idea

Andrew Ng

I've been working away at INCOGS since late-2013. I've gone thru many ideas of how to define the brand.  I've worked on lots of different concepts for artwork. I've tooled, re-tooled, and tooled some more.  I toyed with different options for logos and typeface.  Sometime last year I the idea of the B2 Stealth Bomber came to me. I love the simplicity of the design, clean lines, and silent across a clear blue sky. The idea of "you should never really see a Stealth Bomber" and "if you see one, it's either too late, or they were meant to be seen" always intrigued me. So, I incorporated the Stealth into the meat & potatos of my logo.  There are many more meanings buried into the overall design, but that's for another day.